THE HORN Dawning of an Ancient Sun


Исполнитель: THE HORN

Страна: (Австралия)

Альбом: Dawning of an Ancient Sun

Год издания: 2007

Формат: CD

Стиль: Industrial Black Metal

Издатель: Haarbn Productions

Цена: 60-00



  1. Spell 81A: For Being Transformed into a Lotus
  2. Spell 29A: For Not Taking Away the Heart of One Whose Conduct Has Been Vindicated in the Realm of the Dead
  3. Spell 31: For Driving Off a Crocodile Which Comes to Take Away One’s Magic in the Realm of the Dead
  4. Spell 28: For Not Permitting One’s Heart to Be Taken in the Realm of the Dead
  5. Spell 70: For Being the Successor of Osiris, Otherwise Said
  6. Spell 32 (Part 1): For Repelling a Crocodile Which Comes to Take Away a Spirit’s Magic in the Realm of the Dead
  7. Spell 69: For Being the Successor of Osiris
  8. Spell 125: The Declaration of Innocence

Сборник оригинальной австралийской экстремальной метал-команды.

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